# 2 Rating Restrictions

2.1 VATCAR maintains the following rating restrictions policy: VATSIM S1 rated controllers are authorized to control:

  • _RMP – Ramp Control
  • _DEL – Clearance Delivery or Ground Sequencing
  • _GND – Ground Control or Ground Sequencing

VATSIM S2 rated controllers are authorized to control:

  • _TWR – Tower Control

VATSIM S3 rated controllers are authorized to control:

  • _APP – Approach Control
  • _DEP – Departure Control

VATSIM C1 rated controllers are authorized to control:

  • _CTR – Enroute Control
  • _FSS – Flight Service Station

2.2 VATCAR Traffic Flow Position:

VATCAR authorizes the restricted use of the following positions based on subdivisional policy and procedures. Traffic Flow Positions shall only be activated during network events.

  • _TMU – Traffic Flow Position
  • _FMP – Traffic Flow Position

2.3 VATCAR Radio Operators

Radio Operator positions are regularly staffed by C1 rated controllers. The rating required to operate such a position is, however, the same as the associated controller position unless using a lower rating for the Radio Operator position is approved as part of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Designation. In those cases, the Radio Operator may hold one rating lower than would be required to operate the controller position.

  • _RDO – Radio Operator