Standard Operations
Despite our efforts to maintain a high level of real-world realism, any proposed change to operations, frequencies in use, and/or airspace, will have to be reviewed by VATCAR3. This requirement will ensure that a new set of rules, even if it is based on real-world changes, do not interfere with surrounding FIR’s operations.
Voice restrictions, based on the controller level, do not apply within VATCAR. Each controller who provides voice services must assure that his voice server IP is distributed to clients via his radar client software. In case the radar client software requires the voice IP to be entered manually, the voice IP must be the first line of the Controller’s ATIS, enabling pilot clients to identify the voice IP as quickly as possible.
Text ATC remains active as the secondary mode of communication, and every pilot and controller must be able to exercise this if needed. Pilots must be tuned to their controller’s text ATC frequency (COM1) in FlightSimulator, even if they intend to use voice. Voice ATC is primarily, to aid speed, ease, and realism of communications, but sometimes for various reasons, like voice connectivity problems, text-only communications have to be used.