Open Skies Policy
The VATSIM Caribbean Division Open Skies Program is designed to offer controllers a chance to control facilities within the VATSIM Caribbean Division that barely receive any coverage due to a lack of home controllers and a lack of members to run a facility staff.
The Open Skies Program opens up these facilities to any controller interested in controlling there, as long as they hold the appropriate ATC rating for the position they want to control and are on the Open Skies Controller Roster.
Facilities may be considered for the Open Skies Program when multiple of the following conditions apply.
- Lack of active facility members.
- Lack of facility ATC coverage.
- Lack of active facility staff.
- Lack of people to fill facility staff vacancies.
A facility can only be added or removed from the Open Skies Program at the sole discretion of the VATSIM Caribbean Division Director. Once a facility is removed from the Open Skies Program, controllers on the Open Skies Controller Roster are no longer permitted to control this facility, effective immediately.
The following VATSIM Caribbean Division facilities are currently part of the Open Skies Program:
- Port-Au-Prince FIR
VATSIM and VATCAR visiting policies apply to any controller looking to join the Open Skies Program. In addition, all controllers need to hold an S3 (Student 3) rating or higher to apply. Once a controller is on the roster, no further restrictions apply and the controller is allowed to control any position within the Open Skies Program facilities as long as they hold the appropriate ATC rating for that specific position.
The Open Skies Controller Roster shall be maintained by the VATSIM Caribbean Division, listing all controllers that have been accepted to control facilities part of the Open Skies Program in VATCAR. Controllers are expected to provide ATC services at facilities part of the Open Skies Program for at least 3 hours every 90 days. Controllers that do not meet this requirement shall be removed from the Open Skies Roster and will need to reapply.
There is no training program for facilities that are part of the Open Skies Program and no training will be provided. Instead, sector files and documentation shall be provided by the VATSIM Caribbean Division outlining standard operating procedures for the facilities. There are no written or practical exams that controllers are required to take before they can control a facility part of the Open Skies Program. Controllers are expected to become acquainted with facilities by studying the provided documentation before opening a position within a facility as part of the Open Skies Program.
The Open Skies Program is authorized for use by the VATCAR1, VATCAR2, and VATCAR3.